Saturday, January 23, 2010

Solar System Toys ***SIR ISAAC NEWTON & His Atheist Friend, What Lesson Should Be Learned?***?

***SIR ISAAC NEWTON & his atheist friend, what lesson should be learned?***? - solar system toys

Question to atheists, a real event!
- Newton once had a skilled mechanic to make a model of the solar system. Balls that were the planets, together designed to move realistically in orbit. One day an atheist friend visited Newton. See the model, it has operated, and exclaimed with admiration: "Who did this? Newton answered, "No!" The atheist replied, "You think I'm an idiot can be a course, someone did, and he is a genius." Newton then told his friend: "This is not negligible, but an imitation of a larger system whose laws you know , and I can convince you that this is not just a toy designer and manufacturer, who believe that the great original, made its design will not come to the designer or developer who confess! "
- Newton's Friend has a complete reversal, made with humility!
** What atheist today the lack of reason, that what they say true believers in the God of the Bible is missing?


Paul S said...

Why Isaac Newton was illogical? It is perfectly logical to me. Isaac Newton was a great spirit, not necessarily knowing exactly how the universe implies that need a designer.

Saying "do not understand how a car will work as you say that has not changed" is a stupid argument. If you are a journey through a barren desert (space, for example) and found a house (eg, Earth), would be foolish to conclude that someone has done? Biologists, all people should understand that the complex forms of life that is no accident. It is almost as stupid as it was several years ago, if you take away a foul rag somewhere, that life developed (rats / worms). Life comes from the idea of life, the matter is not inert.

Interestingly, the scientific journal "Nature" reported in 1997 that nearly 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians respondents believe in a Creator. But the rules of science, "No miracles allowed, it is no wonder why most of HESTAI admit that a belief in a higher power? Evolutionists make every scientist believes in evolution and the people are not stupid or not objective. That is simply not true, although some biologists believe in evolution (not believe) that Christianity, but because they "add".

Evolutionists ignore the main issues that increase the scientific validity of Christian and the use of insults and humiliation (which they believe that being a fairy poofed into existence? ")

Creation - God created man, with elements of the earth.

Evolution - The rain fell on the rocks ... a biological "soup" just happened millions of years along the line of people soup ... Oh, and it was a coincidence.

Yet, evolutionists say that the Christians are scientifically and from the faith out! If you had all the time and space and matter in the universe, which I needed, how long does it take to build your own house? You do not need more faith, to believe? Evolution is bothReligion (on Egyptian time comes). They say the Bible is old and outdated ... Well, when I was checked the last time their so-called "evidence" and the manual updated?

Evolutionists say that they doubt his theory is "harmful to humanity." You mean, like Adolf Hitler was ... who believe in the survival of the fittest?

What Christians say they compare "apples with pears" when the argument that life could not have developed a good argument either. If your house is not because the logic is well scaled to the conclusion that complex life is. compare the material for living organisms is the reasoning is not bad, we have half of our engineering capabilities, the observation of nature.

Thus, evolutionists say that life began to help each other as a simple and advanced organisms. It makes no sense, because life is ordered so that the cosmos. We can not survive without the other. Computer, for example. No matter how simple (although the first team) is the monitor is notGraphics card and graphics card would be nothing without the monitor. Look at the eyes, no matter how you try to put a mechanism is not without the other .... Simplify work occurred at the same time. How evolution can explain why life evolved by accident at first sight? Or why animals pre-programmed intelligence (that) drives.

With logic and common sense to an evolutionist is no need to defend their religion but in the end.

Paul S said...

Why Isaac Newton was illogical? It is perfectly logical to me. Isaac Newton was a great spirit, not necessarily knowing exactly how the universe implies that need a designer.

Saying "do not understand how a car will work as you say that has not changed" is a stupid argument. If you are a journey through a barren desert (space, for example) and found a house (eg, Earth), would be foolish to conclude that someone has done? Biologists, all people should understand that the complex forms of life that is no accident. It is almost as stupid as it was several years ago, if you take away a foul rag somewhere, that life developed (rats / worms). Life comes from the idea of life, the matter is not inert.

Interestingly, the scientific journal "Nature" reported in 1997 that nearly 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians respondents believe in a Creator. But the rules of science, "No miracles allowed, it is no wonder why most of HESTAI admit that a belief in a higher power? Evolutionists make every scientist believes in evolution and the people are not stupid or not objective. That is simply not true, although some biologists believe in evolution (not believe) that Christianity, but because they "add".

Evolutionists ignore the main issues that increase the scientific validity of Christian and the use of insults and humiliation (which they believe that being a fairy poofed into existence? ")

Creation - God created man, with elements of the earth.

Evolution - The rain fell on the rocks ... a biological "soup" just happened millions of years along the line of people soup ... Oh, and it was a coincidence.

Yet, evolutionists say that the Christians are scientifically and from the faith out! If you had all the time and space and matter in the universe, which I needed, how long does it take to build your own house? You do not need more faith, to believe? Evolution is bothReligion (on Egyptian time comes). They say the Bible is old and outdated ... Well, when I was checked the last time their so-called "evidence" and the manual updated?

Evolutionists say that they doubt his theory is "harmful to humanity." You mean, like Adolf Hitler was ... who believe in the survival of the fittest?

What Christians say they compare "apples with pears" when the argument that life could not have developed a good argument either. If your house is not because the logic is well scaled to the conclusion that complex life is. compare the material for living organisms is the reasoning is not bad, we have half of our engineering capabilities, the observation of nature.

Thus, evolutionists say that life began to help each other as a simple and advanced organisms. It makes no sense, because life is ordered so that the cosmos. We can not survive without the other. Computer, for example. No matter how simple (although the first team) is the monitor is notGraphics card and graphics card would be nothing without the monitor. Look at the eyes, no matter how you try to put a mechanism is not without the other .... Simplify work occurred at the same time. How evolution can explain why life evolved by accident at first sight? Or why animals pre-programmed intelligence (that) drives.

With logic and common sense to an evolutionist is no need to defend their religion but in the end.

Paul S said...

Why Isaac Newton was illogical? It is perfectly logical to me. Isaac Newton was a great spirit, not necessarily knowing exactly how the universe implies that need a designer.

Saying "do not understand how a car will work as you say that has not changed" is a stupid argument. If you are a journey through a barren desert (space, for example) and found a house (eg, Earth), would be foolish to conclude that someone has done? Biologists, all people should understand that the complex forms of life that is no accident. It is almost as stupid as it was several years ago, if you take away a foul rag somewhere, that life developed (rats / worms). Life comes from the idea of life, the matter is not inert.

Interestingly, the scientific journal "Nature" reported in 1997 that nearly 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians respondents believe in a Creator. But the rules of science, "No miracles allowed, it is no wonder why most of HESTAI admit that a belief in a higher power? Evolutionists make every scientist believes in evolution and the people are not stupid or not objective. That is simply not true, although some biologists believe in evolution (not believe) that Christianity, but because they "add".

Evolutionists ignore the main issues that increase the scientific validity of Christian and the use of insults and humiliation (which they believe that being a fairy poofed into existence? ")

Creation - God created man, with elements of the earth.

Evolution - The rain fell on the rocks ... a biological "soup" just happened millions of years along the line of people soup ... Oh, and it was a coincidence.

Yet, evolutionists say that the Christians are scientifically and from the faith out! If you had all the time and space and matter in the universe, which I needed, how long does it take to build your own house? You do not need more faith, to believe? Evolution is bothReligion (on Egyptian time comes). They say the Bible is old and outdated ... Well, when I was checked the last time their so-called "evidence" and the manual updated?

Evolutionists say that they doubt his theory is "harmful to humanity." You mean, like Adolf Hitler was ... who believe in the survival of the fittest?

What Christians say they compare "apples with pears" when the argument that life could not have developed a good argument either. If your house is not because the logic is well scaled to the conclusion that complex life is. compare the material for living organisms is the reasoning is not bad, we have half of our engineering capabilities, the observation of nature.

Thus, evolutionists say that life began to help each other as a simple and advanced organisms. It makes no sense, because life is ordered so that the cosmos. We can not survive without the other. Computer, for example. No matter how simple (although the first team) is the monitor is notGraphics card and graphics card would be nothing without the monitor. Look at the eyes, no matter how you try to put a mechanism is not without the other .... Simplify work occurred at the same time. How evolution can explain why life evolved by accident at first sight? Or why animals pre-programmed intelligence (that) drives.

With logic and common sense to an evolutionist is no need to defend their religion but in the end.

Paul S said...

Why Isaac Newton was illogical? It is perfectly logical to me. Isaac Newton was a great spirit, not necessarily knowing exactly how the universe implies that need a designer.

Saying "do not understand how a car will work as you say that has not changed" is a stupid argument. If you are a journey through a barren desert (space, for example) and found a house (eg, Earth), would be foolish to conclude that someone has done? Biologists, all people should understand that the complex forms of life that is no accident. It is almost as stupid as it was several years ago, if you take away a foul rag somewhere, that life developed (rats / worms). Life comes from the idea of life, the matter is not inert.

Interestingly, the scientific journal "Nature" reported in 1997 that nearly 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians respondents believe in a Creator. But the rules of science, "No miracles allowed, it is no wonder why most of HESTAI admit that a belief in a higher power? Evolutionists make every scientist believes in evolution and the people are not stupid or not objective. That is simply not true, although some biologists believe in evolution (not believe) that Christianity, but because they "add".

Evolutionists ignore the main issues that increase the scientific validity of Christian and the use of insults and humiliation (which they believe that being a fairy poofed into existence? ")

Creation - God created man, with elements of the earth.

Evolution - The rain fell on the rocks ... a biological "soup" just happened millions of years along the line of people soup ... Oh, and it was a coincidence.

Yet, evolutionists say that the Christians are scientifically and from the faith out! If you had all the time and space and matter in the universe, which I needed, how long does it take to build your own house? You do not need more faith, to believe? Evolution is bothReligion (on Egyptian time comes). They say the Bible is old and outdated ... Well, when I was checked the last time their so-called "evidence" and the manual updated?

Evolutionists say that they doubt his theory is "harmful to humanity." You mean, like Adolf Hitler was ... who believe in the survival of the fittest?

What Christians say they compare "apples with pears" when the argument that life could not have developed a good argument either. If your house is not because the logic is well scaled to the conclusion that complex life is. compare the material for living organisms is the reasoning is not bad, we have half of our engineering capabilities, the observation of nature.

Thus, evolutionists say that life began to help each other as a simple and advanced organisms. It makes no sense, because life is ordered so that the cosmos. We can not survive without the other. Computer, for example. No matter how simple (although the first team) is the monitor is notGraphics card and graphics card would be nothing without the monitor. Look at the eyes, no matter how you try to put a mechanism is not without the other .... Simplify work occurred at the same time. How evolution can explain why life evolved by accident at first sight? Or why animals pre-programmed intelligence (that) drives.

With logic and common sense to an evolutionist is no need to defend their religion but in the end.

Paul S said...

Why Isaac Newton was illogical? It is perfectly logical to me. Isaac Newton was a great spirit, not necessarily knowing exactly how the universe implies that need a designer.

Saying "do not understand how a car will work as you say that has not changed" is a stupid argument. If you are a journey through a barren desert (space, for example) and found a house (eg, Earth), would be foolish to conclude that someone has done? Biologists, all people should understand that the complex forms of life that is no accident. It is almost as stupid as it was several years ago, if you take away a foul rag somewhere, that life developed (rats / worms). Life comes from the idea of life, the matter is not inert.

Interestingly, the scientific journal "Nature" reported in 1997 that nearly 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians respondents believe in a Creator. But the rules of science, "No miracles allowed, it is no wonder why most of HESTAI admit that a belief in a higher power? Evolutionists make every scientist believes in evolution and the people are not stupid or not objective. That is simply not true, although some biologists believe in evolution (not believe) that Christianity, but because they "add".

Evolutionists ignore the main issues that increase the scientific validity of Christian and the use of insults and humiliation (which they believe that being a fairy poofed into existence? ")

Creation - God created man, with elements of the earth.

Evolution - The rain fell on the rocks ... a biological "soup" just happened millions of years along the line of people soup ... Oh, and it was a coincidence.

Yet, evolutionists say that the Christians are scientifically and from the faith out! If you had all the time and space and matter in the universe, which I needed, how long does it take to build your own house? You do not need more faith, to believe? Evolution is bothReligion (on Egyptian time comes). They say the Bible is old and outdated ... Well, when I was checked the last time their so-called "evidence" and the manual updated?

Evolutionists say that they doubt his theory is "harmful to humanity." You mean, like Adolf Hitler was ... who believe in the survival of the fittest?

What Christians say they compare "apples with pears" when the argument that life could not have developed a good argument either. If your house is not because the logic is well scaled to the conclusion that complex life is. compare the material for living organisms is the reasoning is not bad, we have half of our engineering capabilities, the observation of nature.

Thus, evolutionists say that life began to help each other as a simple and advanced organisms. It makes no sense, because life is ordered so that the cosmos. We can not survive without the other. Computer, for example. No matter how simple (although the first team) is the monitor is notGraphics card and graphics card would be nothing without the monitor. Look at the eyes, no matter how you try to put a mechanism is not without the other .... Simplify work occurred at the same time. How evolution can explain why life evolved by accident at first sight? Or why animals pre-programmed intelligence (that) drives.

With logic and common sense to an evolutionist is no need to defend their religion but in the end.

Roger S said...

Be careful with your voice.

Isaac Newton also dabbled in alchemy and the occult.

BTW: the true believers do not need famous people to defend their faith for them.

Rational... said...

I will answer your question with a question as to why the faithful of atheists who feel threatened have to proselytize their faith here in astronomy and space on board?

If you are happy in their faith, the better. Enter their sermons in the church and leave us in peace.

Wounded Duck said...

Twisted Logic is not a valid argument to make!

injanier said...

This story is almost certainly apocryphal, and comes in various forms with other scientists are in Newton. In any case, the logical error displays, known as an appeal to the Authority.

The argument itself, everything they have, not really convincing. The planetarium is clearly became man, we know how the machine is. On the other hand we are able to observe the natural world, self-sufficiency and self-replicate. It is absurd to observe insert a divine intervention at any point in the process. God is used in this case, initially to relieve discomfort in the vastness of the universe.

Incognit... said...

An atheist is defined as one who believes in no God.
1 A: the rank or being activated by a god, deity b: GOD 1: Supreme Being
2: deities, god or goddess \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, Greece> old
3: one exalted or revered as a sovereign or powerful
The belief in a supreme being is not confined to a particular religion, the interpretation of anyone, let alone what is the deity. It is possible to see the universe as the supreme beings. In this case, someone else an atheist? It is not by definition!

ZikZak said...

They say it was a fact. It is a lie. No, burn your God, and FIR member per member for all eternity in a lie or what? "

kdanley said...

I do not know if there is a real problem, but it was a good story. It is easy to design, intelligence, and where we look, to see, but not many admit atheists. It seems strange that they, those who argue that the creationists do not understand science, and we turn our eyes to facts.
By the way, where you have this story? I like to use at a time and I need the source. Thank you ...

Faesson said...

Whoa! Newton did not die a virgin?

He saw Mercury ... City Lights Damn.

So you say that Newton is to convince his friend that God is real, not a good thing. Do not lie a sin?

Oh, yes ... and if you want a lesson of reason, then, by its own logic ... Who's God?

Suzy said...

I've always said, that's many years as one of my grandparents, Isaac G.

We thank you for that.

Renaissance Man said...

The monks believe that God is the universe dampened by naturaql naqture law. Atheists believe that lawsof nature of the universe, created the universe without me.

Sandy G said...

Newton. but a great scholar, he knew nothing about the history and structure of the cosmos. His model was the solar system - he knew nothing of the theories of planetary formation. Although he was a genius in many ways has changed in the classic case of "I do not understand how there could of course also fallen, so God did it."

The modern understanding of cosmology seems to ignore, if the answer is the same argument. As a scientist, admitted that the knowledge and never an explanation of how illogical.

Yuri Slavio said...

I thank you for your efforts, but will always be a Meathead who think you know, the reasonable return to present. Then others who hear of his argument seems sensible right answer in kind.
Finally: An atheist is accustomed to answers given to the science and accept everything that seems to them to make sense. It's even worse to try to convince them over the Internet because they are likely to "I've always tried to set the Christians, because I'm still here." Frankly, I think taken in response at least l "Internet for an atheist to convince, it is impossible. Must be experienced for yourself, and if the oppurtunity comes, or to choose their future, or its disappearance for ever.

Notes: While Sandy G worn. Well, he was the smartest / Atheist reasonable compared to the other, I want to test his theory. In religion, I must admit that it is easy for me to say "if God made everything," OCIAUSE what you think. The problem is that science can use the logic of how the world was made.

The problem with the conviction that the amino acids, does not even exist, exposing them to the body with the world, while the shape of the earth, for the right environment and low-battery, just the right distance from the sun on its stability maintain, then I must say that you are on the way, this too optimistic "by mistake". Another thing you have to choose who is accepted and the "accident" in the change. Thus a living cell came from nowhere ... uses asexual reproduction, simple organic forms, and through the process of survival, raising the features in the time it would take a single cell life form on Earth. It would be really interesting to talk further with you via e-mail, but the odds are even back here lol.

@ Injanier:

I respect your opinion, there * thumbs up * lol had to find words. I know that history is stained as an atheist in the history related to the object, nThe OT concept that the universe is made, otherwise the notion of what an atheist would be lost.

@ Prof. ZikZak
lmfao do not fully

Yuri Slavio said...

I thank you for your efforts, but will always be a Meathead who think you know, the reasonable return to present. Then others who hear of his argument seems sensible right answer in kind.
Finally: An atheist is accustomed to answers given to the science and accept everything that seems to them to make sense. It's even worse to try to convince them over the Internet because they are likely to "I've always tried to set the Christians, because I'm still here." Frankly, I think taken in response at least l "Internet for an atheist to convince, it is impossible. Must be experienced for yourself, and if the oppurtunity comes, or to choose their future, or its disappearance for ever.

Notes: While Sandy G worn. Well, he was the smartest / Atheist reasonable compared to the other, I want to test his theory. In religion, I must admit that it is easy for me to say "if God made everything," OCIAUSE what you think. The problem is that science can use the logic of how the world was made.

The problem with the conviction that the amino acids, does not even exist, exposing them to the body with the world, while the shape of the earth, for the right environment and low-battery, just the right distance from the sun on its stability maintain, then I must say that you are on the way, this too optimistic "by mistake". Another thing you have to choose who is accepted and the "accident" in the change. Thus a living cell came from nowhere ... uses asexual reproduction, simple organic forms, and through the process of survival, raising the features in the time it would take a single cell life form on Earth. It would be really interesting to talk further with you via e-mail, but the odds are even back here lol.

@ Injanier:

I respect your opinion, there * thumbs up * lol had to find words. I know that history is stained as an atheist in the history related to the object, nThe OT concept that the universe is made, otherwise the notion of what an atheist would be lost.

@ Prof. ZikZak
lmfao do not fully

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